
Автор: talifa, 8 июня, 2023

=================================== Просмотр блокировок определенной таблицы:
SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE relation = 'table'::regclass;

=================================== Просмотр кто кого заблокирвал:
select coalesce(bgl.relation::regclass::text, bgl.locktype) as locked_item,
now() - bda.query_start as waiting_duration,
bda.pid as blocked_pid, bda.query as blocked_query,
bdl.mode as blocked_mode, bga.pid as blocking_pid,
bga.query as blocking_query, bgl.mode as blocking_mode
from pg_catalog.pg_locks bdl
join pg_stat_activity bda on bda.pid = bdl.pid
join pg_catalog.pg_locks bgl on bgl.pid != bdl.pid
and (bgl.transactionid = bdl.transactionid
or bgl.relation = bdl.relation and bgl.locktype = bdl.locktype)
join pg_stat_activity bga on bga.pid = bgl.pid and bga.datid = bda.datid
where not bdl.granted and bga.datname = current_database();

================================= Просмотр блокированных объектов с указанием периода блокировки:
SELECT a.datname, l.relation::regclass, l.transactionid, l.mode, l.GRANTED,
a.usename, a.query, a.query_start, age(now(), a.query_start) AS "age",
FROM pg_stat_activity a JOIN pg_locks l ON l.pid = a.pid ORDER BY a.query_start;